46 years of providing accurate, unbiased and informative appraisals.
Please see our page about rug appraisals.
We provide both written appraisals, verbal appraisals and authentications. We can evaluate your Navajo rug or blanket by inspecting the actual item or using photos that you send. With 46 years of experience in appraising Navajo and blankets, you can be assured of an accurate identification and unbiased valuation of your rug or Navajo blanket. Please see our page (appraisal.htm) about why you should have us provide your appraisal of Navajo rugs or Oriental rugs and information about our fees..
While you are here, please browse through our pages by following the links above. Some of our pages are about the appraisal of Navajo rugs and blankets, Oriental rugs and kilims. Other pages provide information on the care of Navajo rugs, Zapotec rugs and Chimayo weavings, prevention of moth damage to your Navajo rugs, and the history of Navajo rug weaving. Another page shows a map of the Navajo reservation with regional trading post rug weaving areas. There is also a glossary page that provides Navajo rug definitions and there is another page with Oriental rug terms. A page describes our appraisal services and other pages recommend some books about Navajo rugs or Oriental rugs. Please take a look at our page about determining a genuine Navajo rug from a fake rug.
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